One of the most important things you can do to bring forth your true self and purpose is get grounded. Not the kind of grounding your parents gave you when you were in trouble. This type of grounding means to bring your Higher energetic divine self down into your body and anchor it into the Earth. When you do this you begin to truly embody your divine presence here in the moment, working with elements of Earth to shine forth your light. Think of being on a merry-go-round. When it is spinning, the farther from the center you are standing, the more difficult it becomes to retain your balance. When you are clicked into that center things can be flying all around you but you are solid and strong. Here is a little guided meditation to help you connect and ground into your heart center:
Meditation: Sitting in Your Center: Start by breathing deeply. In the center of your heart you see a beautiful light filled chair. Directly over the chair hanging from the ceiling there's a large quartz crystal pointed downward bathing the chair in rainbow hues of light. Walk over to the chair and sit in it. It is your chair and fits you perfectly. You feel at home here, very peaceful. This is your heart sanctuary. Sense the energies from the Crystal bathing you in light. Listen to your heart. Be present. Be still. Be open to experience the presence of God and your higher self. Now link your heart to the Heart of the Earth. Feel the slow nurturing heartbeat of the Earth match your own. Feel the calm stability enter your body. Feel gratitude at the connection. You can come here anytime you feel out of balance. |
Tanya CoronaAscension Alchemist Archives
January 2025