We have all been angry or frustrated at someone. Whether they intended us to feel badly or not, sometimes we have. Forgiveness is the key to releasing stored emotional baggage. Forgiveness Exercise: One at a time visualize everyone with whom you've ever had significant dealings in your life - parents, mate, children, boss, landlord, and so on.. (calling the vision of that puts you in touch with her higher spirit selves) Tell them (internally or out loud) that you forgive them for any harm you've ever felt they did to you. It doesn't matter if they don't think they hurt you - it's what you think that is trapped in your fields. Tell them that you understand it was all done by prior agreement even if you didn't know that at the time. Thank them for for filling their end of the agreement and tell them that you love them. (This process alone could take several hours.) Next stand in front of the mirror and do the same for yourself. Forgive yourself for every time you thought you'd screwed up. Tell yourself it was all done by agreement and look at what you've learned. Remind yourself that Masters never screw up - everything happens exactly as they intend it to. The only thing masters need to do is serve the light. We're getting down through it by now. We've blown out imprinting, judgment, fear and best of all, self judgment. What's left? Maybe some stuff from your co- incarnees. Repeat the forgiveness routine but this time more generally. I forgive anyone who has harmed me in this or any lifetime anywhere on any plane. I forgive all debts and erase all karma. I choose light for myself and all my selves. (Say this with meaning and intent. It may take a few tries but you will know when it's complete.) When you have truly forgiven look for gratitude. You will feel a sense of thankfulness for all you have learned. |
Tanya CoronaAscension Alchemist Archives
December 2024