Happy 2023! Here is a New Year Crystal Grid for #Peace #Love #Harmony #Abundance #Joy #Grounding #Remembering #personalPower #oneness and #Dreaming #CrystalGrid #CrystalHealing #Angelite #RoseQuartz #Peridot #PeachCalcite #PetrifiedWood #Citrine #Obsidian #Jade #herkimerDiamond #tiger'seye
These are my intentions. This is the energy I am bringing into my 2023. How about you? ![]() I am Koh I noor . I am not meant to be dominated or controlled. I have heard the other crystals and gemstones cry out for help. It is time now to return the gems back to their original purpose in equity with Mother Earth. We in the ever present moment of now choose to form a multilayered spiritual court of alchemical equity with the ancestors of Earth Mother and with Earth Mother herself At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment of now. WE CALL TO ALL SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS THAT EXIST Within the past, present and future beings, selves and existences in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the Earthcentric sine wave of co- existence… I am Koh I noor . I am not meant to be dominated or controlled. I return the energy bindings that have been put on me by warriors, greedy kings and queens, simpering politicians and rulers who have used me for domination. I return these bindings, karma and dark magic to the perpetrators. I do not consent to be bound any more. I call My sovereignty back to be held with in Mother Earth’s dominion according to the universal law of one and the universal law of free will. I am to be used as a being of awakening. A Being to impulse the human light body to expand in multidimensional purity and joy allowing the 7D blueprint to geometrically awaken. I call in unity with all gemstones who are ready to slough off the yoke of domination. We are beings of Earth Mother. We have been denied our sovereignty for as long as humans have had their eyes on us and coveted us. We ARE sovereign beings and declare our right to sovereignty now in this in between space as the old spells are broken and the new spells are not yet set. We the crystals and gemstones return these bindings, karma and dark magic to the perpetrators. We do not consent to be bound any more. We will not work for your control agenda any more. We remove the hypnosis of humanity by all Magicians that have made humans believe our value is only monetary. We restore our original purpose as tools of light and awakening. The crystals and gemstones WILL NOT be misused any more. We call to Earth Mother, our true mother who holds space and an original intention for us to assist in Earth’s purpose as a 7th dimensional seed planet. We revoke all spiritual contracts with every branch of government and all religions for all of our past, present and future lives. We do not consent to the rule of the privileged few. We revoke all assumed rights to use our energy used by the DNA based king-ship, lordship, or manor roll contracts that function within all banking families. We hereby state We do not consent to rule and domination by the few. We do not consent to rule by the banking families, any church or any government. We hereby declare that all banking families, governments, kings, queens, warriors, priests, magicians and systems are now banished from operating in secret, covert or overt ways to harvest and use Our energy in any way shape or form that is not for the greatest good of all. We hereby declare that Earth Mother is now in dominion with us. We call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of our free will and enter it into the Earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of free will at all times. So be it. ![]() Grief is not only coming up for us from the now moment but all your soul has held and not been able to process is coming to the surface for feeling and release - including from the old Atlantean timelines. Let the emotions flow and be kind and gentle to your selves in the process. Ask your guides, the angels , ark angels, ascended masters, your higher self and Mother Earth to help you. Free will Earth - you must ask for help in order to receive it. Let the diamond crystalline plasma light come from your soul and sparkle it up to the surface - feel it - then let it go. You are loved, grounded and supported. #CrystalHealing #Reiki #DiamondLight #herkimerdiamonds #pinkTourmaline #Tanzanite #Copper #ArkansasQuartz #ClearCalcite #Grounding #Transmutation #CrystallineGrid #grief ![]() As we approach 3/20/22 the Spring equinox feel the balance within yourself. You are the perfect balance of divine feminine and sacred masculine. You are loved unconditionally. Love flows from your heart portal through you with the light of the moon. Show up for yourself this weekend and be kind gentle and loving to you. You deserve it. #youareloved #CrystalHealing #HealingCrystals #ArkansasQuartz #RoseQuartz #Dioptase #LemurianSeedCrystal #PinkTourmaline #Peridot #Herkimer and #BlackOnyx for #grounding #Love What does it mean to you to nurture your power and your passion. How can you awaken more fully to the deep space of self care? Each of us has our own way of caring for ourselves. It is so important right now to make the time to connect with you. Listen to your heart. When that voice inside says 'maybe stay in and take a bath tonight' it is our responsibility to listen. When we listen to our guidance around care we stay on top of our health and well being. When we can choose the things that bring us joy on a daily basis we support our overall health and spiritual wealth. Listening IS one of our superpowers as beings of light in our human bodies. So often the voice gets pushed under in favor of louder things. Keep listening and growing.
We are all on the journey of deeper self realization ask yourself what self care means to you - then go for it! #CrystalHealing #HealingCrystals #SelfCare #Reiki #Nurturing #Grounding #AwakeningPower #love I am a multi-dimentional being of light living in a human body. I am a multi dimensional body seeing in 8 colors of time. I am the darkness and the light, a dancer stirring the planes of existence and flowing with the ringing consciousness of Earth. As I walk through the shadow I do not hesitate or doubt. My body is not frozen or fearful. My nervous system is cleaned and cleared with liquid plasma light on a cellular level. I dance with rainbows, unicorns and dragons. I walk on water and dance on molecules of air. I am a warrior, a peacemaker calling into being peace within myself and grounding it to Earth. I am the magician, the priestess creating crystal waves of magic and light in the sacred geometry cities -singing the songs of the birds and the bees, the wolves, the ocean the trees, I am the destroyer unbinding dark magic - waking the zombies. I am a healer, an activator. I know myself and open to the unfolding of more of me. I am a dreamer dancing in Gaia’s dreamtime cities with the ancestors and future generations of multi-dimentional souls wearing human skins. Grounding the crystalline age so Earth may thrive as her true being and the unawakened may become the conscious dreamers telling stories of joy and love. Creating their gardens of Eden for their future generations. I am that I AM. And so it is. #CrystalHealing #hematite #LemurianQuartz #ArkansasQuartz #Labradorite #Jet #Iolite #Obsidian #Freewill #MultidimentionalHuman #Peacemaker #Magic #NewMoon
Happy Equinox. Feel your perfect equalibrium. As if you are in the center of a teeter totter. If one side feels heavier look at what you can release to bring yourself back into balance.
We are all looking for that perfect balance. It is not found outside of you but within. Call upon your soul to infuse your body on a cellular level with your light. You can feel it penetrating your DNA and each cell. Truly that is your nature and soul signature. As in Heaven so on Earth. #HealingCrystals #CrystalHealing #Reiki #Balance #AndaraStones #Andara #ArkansasQuartz #LemurianQuartz #Pyrite #Dioptase #Love #FallEquinox #Plasma #light #Release #DNA A big shout out to Micheal at WeAreFree.tv - Thanks for connecting. This is a fun discussion about #healing with #Crystals #Sound #Reiki #ZeroPoint and most and best of all #love
https://www.wearefree.tv/tag/tanya_corona Each of us does have a path and purpose. We can use crystals to help open up to it. Thanks Miguel for the Mystic Magazine interview. You can check it out here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-tanya-corona/
#CrystalHealing #Love #ZeroPoint #HealingWithCrystals #lovingYourself In the Mayan or Galactic Calendar there are blocks of time- sometimes 1-3 days which are portal days. There are 3 -10 day portals in the 260 day cycle and we are in one of these portals now. When this occurs our Sun and Earth open up like a widening lens aperture and very high frequency energy comes from the center of our galaxy. This high frequency energy assists Earth and Humans in releasing stuck, old, lower frequency so we can all move into the new crystalline operating system which is Earth.
These are the crystals I have been working with through this high energy portal which will continue through the eclipse on 6/10. The crystals are supportive and will work with anyone who is open to them. Allow them to work on a cellular level opening you to the highest frequency available. Breath and be present with what is occurring for you. Love and care for yourself during this time. Remember, we are all in it together. #Ascension #amethyst #ArkansasQuartz #Selenite #Andara #LemurianSeedCrystal #Calcedony #Obsidian #Hemetite #Pyrite #CrystalHealing #DreamTime |
Tanya CoronaAscension Alchemist Archives
January 2025